Monday 16 February 2015

Thankfully I am alive reasonably well regardless of the situation
  However my favorite steel horse,
the instrument that helps me & my son to turn and observe the world is
mortally wounded
A cracked frame
  My favorite small camera, that helped to break the wall between me and human emotions that charms me, broken
Collateral Damage plenty of
  But these two are blows of fate

 The driver who hit me was uncovered from insurance (for psycho pathological reasons or because from drug use)
which means any financial compensation from the accident is very difficult or impossible
This combined with my prolonged unemployment ,without even a single euro or any other facilitation as state aid, even as a father (i'm really proud of this) and the uncertainty with the memoranda and national debts, make the situation extremely difficult
  Blows of fate
Still available for partnerships regardless level of pay

Sunday 15 February 2015

Rocinante is dead

last Thursday a killer driver 

(possibly under the influence of drugs,medication or because psychopathological issues)
 driving backwards hit us at full speed
Newest, when I can




Rocinante's  glory days

Thursday 5 February 2015

Monday 19 January 2015

my island my home my sister the mermaid

my rebirth place

lyrics    click me 


 You think that the wound you opened hurts me
but this became my joy and in life holds me.

I don’t care that you opened me a wound not healing
I only hurt that a lifetime to love you is not enough.


flickr   tumblr


summer in the city 

aroma of bygone era


flickr    , .tumblr

Thursday 1 January 2015

People are strange when you're a stranger 

Faces look ugly when you're alone

the question of the dog

weird species these bipeds, pushing carts full of things all the time ,trying to find their happiness by this way

Fidel & Che

  Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven, when you're down 




three different generations three different expressions

When you're strange 

Faces come out of the rain

When you're strange

Avanti o popolo, alla riscossa Bandiera rossa, 

]bandiera rossa ...from smartphone

dancing in public

No one remembers your name

When you're strange
When you're strange
When you're strange 

 dirty glass

swimming suit 

People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone